Where you walk.

Romans chapter 6 verse 4.
"Your old sin-loving nature was buried with Him by baptism when He died, and when God the Father, with glorious power, brought Him back to life again, you were given His wonderful new life to enjoy."

What happened to Jesus, was our salvation. We would never be where we are today if God had not brought Jesus back to heaven.
   God in His glorious love for people, missed people worshiping Him and honoring Him. He knew that the old ways of getting our sins forgiven was not bringing people to have a personal relationship with Him.
   So He sent Jesus to tell people that God loves them and that He wants all people to come and live with Him. God wants us to trust Him for everything. He wants our praise and love. He wants us to rely upon Him and trust Him to guide us and provide for us. He wants our love. 
   Jesus died and was buried and then He rose from the dead and is now alive with God in heaven. Where He prays to God for us. And He looks forward to the day when, we who believe in Him, will come face to face with Him. 
   Our old ways of living have been buried and now we are alive living with God, all because Jesus made the way clear for us to come to God and live with Him, at our side forever. We are His children and He calls us home to be with Him forever.
   God, the creator of all that we see, whom has been worshiped and honored long before our time here, wants to have a relationship with us. Is that to bizarre for people to understand? People have always rejected God and done things by their own free will, causing a lifetime problems and sadness.
   All God has ever wanted is for people to recognize Him and love Him. Why struggle through life when you can be protected and loved by the family of God. As your Father He will see to it that you have an amazing life where you are happy and content. Where you are aware of wrong living and on guard, joyfully walking in the light of Jesus. With your head held high, you are God's child, loving others and facing every task with Him at your side.
   Coming to have a life with God has been made easy by Jesus. All you have to do is believe and expect results. Call out to Jesus and talk to Him. Tell Him your issues and ask Him to bring you into a life with God. What you will find is a loving Father who has been waiting for you to come to Him.
   Your life will be forever changed. Your issues will melt away and your heart will explode with gratitude and thankfulness. People around you will see your joy and wonder what has happened to you. Just like them, you once were bogged down by the burdens of life, but now you walk in the Light of God. And it is your glow that people enjoy being around, all because Jesus brought you into a life with God.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and our new life that reflects Your love. 😊

Romans chapter 6 verses 17 and 18.
"Thank God that though you once chose to be slaves of sin, now you have obeyed with all your heart the teaching to which God has committed you. And now you are free from your old master, sin; and you have become slaves to your new master, righteousness."

Ezekiel chapter 36 verse 26.
God told Him, "I will give you a new heart---I will give you new and right desires---and put a new Spirit within you. I will take out your stony hearts og sin and give you new hearts of love."

Matthew chapter 26 verse 41.
Jesus said to them, "Keep alert and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you. For the spirit is indeed willing, but how weak the body is."


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