The Light.
2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6.
For God who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made us understand that it is the brightness of His glory that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
What does everyday life look like to you? Is it family and job and vacation and friends? Are you happy and content? Do you feel rested after a nights sleep? Do you like to help others? Do you like your toys or long for love?
Each day is what we make it out to be. We do not know what is going to happen the next minute. It could be something that will drastically change your life, like an injury or maybe Jesus. Experiences give us something to talk about with others. And we like to converse about our day, so that we are reassured of sensibility and direction. Are we normal, living like others?
The bible talks about the world as being blinded by Satan from seeing the light of God and it is when someone has a glimpse of His light that they step into life with Him. I know my life was not perfect and that I woke up tired and drained from a night of consumption.
Before I came to God and got to know Jesus, I never put any thought into how consumed I was by the issues of worry and self confidence. I was just doing what I thought was normal. Going to work, paying my bills, and socializing in all the wrong ways, with wrong intentions.
The world is filled with believers. There are churches everywhere and the radio and television broadcast people talking about God. So I figured there must be something to this and that led me to picking up a bible.
Was it a nudge from God? Maybe He knew I was going to become curious. Well, no matter the reasoning I did seek out God and found Jesus. What happened next has changed my life forever.
I started to feel content and excited to know more. I found myself less interested in going out or worrying over stuff that did not matter that much. I started listening more to people and offering to help if there was a need. Other people started treating me better and they too were interested in what I had to say. My job became a place to enjoy going and all my worries seem to be lighter leaving me feeling happier.
Something had happened and I was overjoyed with what was going on. There was a huge difference from how I lived before I came to know God and after. I truly was living in the light of God. And I thanked Him for it. I sang songs of praise and even began to go to church where I could sing more songs and listen to people speaking about their experiences with Jesus.
It has been many years since I asked Jesus into my heart and everyday is now living in the presence of God. Happy that He loves me and is with me. I have a beautiful wife and family and I'm involved in serving at church and community. I know the joy of what Jesus spoke about.
Don't just live each day and grow old, but enjoy each day and be thankful to God for Jesus.
Thank you Father for Jesus and the little glimpse of light that can change a life forever. 😊
1 Peter chapter 4 verse 16.
"Praise God for the privilege of being in Christ's family and being called by His wonderful name."
Psalms chapter 32 verse 1.
"What happiness for those who's guilt has been forgiven! What joys when sins are covered over! What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record."
Joel chapter 2 verse 21.
"Fear not, my people; be glad now and rejoice, for He has done amazing things for you."
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