
Philippians chapter 2 verses 12 and 13.
"You must be even more careful to do the good things that result from being saved, Obeying God with deep reverence, shrinking back from all that might displease Him. For God is at work within you, helping you to want to obey Him and then helping you do what He wants."

There is nothing better than having a focus. And if your focus is on Jesus and a life that pleases God then you are filled with an eternal joy, that can never be taken away. Without God we just go from one day to the next without any clue about what we are missing.
   Growing up we never really did have any idea what the next day might bring. As the years have gone by we find ourselves remembering those memories, some good and some bad. You may remember your first bike or go cart. You may remember tilt a whirls or scramblers. How about lying in the back window of the car watching the sky go by or the smell of the zippo lighter. It could be your first date or maybe your first let down. It is our memories that will be with us forever and help shape our lives.
   Times have changed and the things we made memories from are different for those growing up today. And we like to laugh at our memories when we share with others. We also like to hear the memories of others as we all relate to our pasts.
   Sharing the memories of our past is good, as long as we are not trying to get a laugh from our drunken stuppers or a hurt relationship. Those conversations only bring out the worse parts of who we used to be and we do not want others to see us as that type of person any longer.
   With Jesus, we are expected to love people and help them and no longer live in our past, but be renewed and different people. It is because of the saving grace of God that we are able to have a good laugh with people and not get caught up in bragging about our old wrongful ways.
   Having our focus on God means we are trusting in Him to take care of us and guide us. It is so easy to get caught up in the thoughts we have, for wanting stuff and doing the things that seem to be ok, but really we are blinded by the glitter of our own desires.
   It is ok to have dreams and wants, but you have to trust in God to provide and you have to be a good steward of your life. Talk to Him and ask Him if what you want is in line with His wishes and plans for you. He knows your life and will be with you, as long as you are putting Him first in your life.
   Being content, is being satisfied with yourself and the life you have. I was reminded, that helping others brings joy to their hearts, so I need to stop thinking of my own busy life and desires and think of the joy others receive from a visit or helping hand. So stir up goodness, peace and joy and live happily with Jesus.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the wonderful joy we feel by living in the presence of Your Holy Spirit. It is Your love and happiness for us that overwhelms our hearts.😊 

Romans chapter 14 verse 22.
You may know that there is nothing wrong with what you do, even from God's point of view, but keep it to yourself; don't flaunt your faith in front of others who might be hurt by it."

Psalms chapter 51 verse 6.
"You deserve honesty from my heart; yes, utter sincerity and truthfulness. Oh, give me the wisdom."

Matthew chapter 19 verses 18 and 19.
Jesus replied, "Don't kill, don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't lie, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself." 


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