Radiated Contagious Joy and Peace!

Psalms chapter 30 verses 4 and 5.
"Oh, sing to Him you saints of His; give thanks to His Holy name. His anger last a moment; His favor lasts for life! Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning there is joy."

Sometimes the news is so bad that we can't help but cry. A lot of people do not like to have their feelings exposed like that, because they feel it leaves them vulnerable and weak. You can't hold your thoughts together when emotions take all our hope of love away.
   Maybe you have committed a crime that sends you to jail, locked away behind bars for years to come. Maybe you have received news of failing health and given a timeline on how long you have to live. Both these examples are extremes of something that can happen in a moment. Yet everyday we  deal with smaller less devastating moments, that can bring on the same emotions of weakness.
   Maybe you spoke hurtful words to someone and maybe that someone lives close to you each day. Maybe you are feeling guilty for taking something that looked sparkly to you, and now someone is looking for it and you are suspected of taking it. It is ok to cry and let out the feelings that build up inside us. Those feelings are personal and show that we have compassion.
   It is in our sad times that we can feel alone and maybe abandoned. We feel like we are the ones who have to deal with our issues because no one else is going to do it for us.
   "But in the morning there is joy" Those words are the comfort and promise of God. He hears your cries and gives you strength through Jesus and His Holy Spirit. As you read the bible you spirits are lifted. As you call out to God, the Holy Spirit comforts you with His presence. You realize you are not alone but are part of His family. Where God's love is forever and surrounds all who live with Him.
   In acts chapter 16; Paul is in jail where He is praying and singing hymns to the Lord, when an earthquake happens and their jail collapses and their chains fall off. It is the same scenario with us when our hearts are saddened and our spirits are down that through our prayers God hears our cries and we feel His comfort and peace. Just what we need to let us know we are not alone. To let us know that all is ok, for He is with us.
   That is the joy that Jesus brings us to. It is the same joy that is felt when the Holy Spirit turns our thoughts away from temptation and wrong living. It is the joy in our hearts that we feel for God and His love. It is our praise and peace of mind. It is our thankfulness and our gratitude for God's love and forgiveness.
   It is the circumstances of life that can bring hurt and loneliness, but God has given us Jesus and forever favor. You are not alone, you never have been and you never will be. God is with you, Jesus guides you and God's Holy Spirit brings them all together in your heart, soul and mind.
   Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for Your forgiveness and a life where You are always with us. Guiding us, comforting us and for the joy of knowing You are there.  😊

Acts chapter 16 verse 26.
"Suddenly there was a great earthquake; the prison was shaken to it's foundations, all the doors flew open---and the chains of every prisoners fell off!"

Matthew chapter 22 verse 37.
Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind."

John chapter 14 verse 26.
Jesus replied, "But when the Father sends the Comforter instead of Me---and by the Comforter I mean the Holy Spirit---He will teach you much, as well as remind you of everything I Myself have told you."



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